
Month: December 2014

December 23, 2014

IRS emails suggest scheme to subject political contributions to the gift tax

In a WSJ Capital Journal article, John  McKinnon reports that the IRS emails produced after the IRS amazingly “found” the lost Lois Lerner harddrives…

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December 19, 2014

Cromnibus extends IRA charitable deduction options

Late Tuesday, the Senate finally voted to extend a package of temporary tax breaks through the rest of the year. Already passed…

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December 3, 2014

Update on reverse mortgages

In a recent WSJ.com Real Estate article, Anya Martin provides some current information on reverse mortgages. She notes that reverse mortgages give older…

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Gun trusts continue to be important planning tools

In a recent WSJ Wealth Advisor post, Planners Use Gun Trusts to Smooth Firearms Transfer, Anna Prior discusses the growing use of “gun trusts”…

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