Nonprofit and exempt organizations
Use the 990 form to evaluate your charitable options
In a recent Denver Post article, Bruce Deboskey reminds us about an important tool which can help us evaluate a charity. To achieve…
IRS emails suggest scheme to subject political contributions to the gift tax
In a WSJ Capital Journal article, John McKinnon reports that the IRS emails produced after the IRS amazingly “found” the lost Lois Lerner harddrives…
Cromnibus extends IRA charitable deduction options
Late Tuesday, the Senate finally voted to extend a package of temporary tax breaks through the rest of the year. Already passed…
Helpful article on obtaining IRS charity exemption
In a recent article, non-profit Wycliffe Foundation discusses the process in obtaining exemption from federal income tax as a charitable or exempt organization….
Private Letter Ruling on museum gift shop sales
In a recent private letter ruling, PLR 201429029, the IRS held that proceeds from sales of a gift shop owned and run by…
Federal Judge Strikes Down Ministerial Housing Allowance
On November 22, 2013, federal judge Barbara Crabb from the Western District Court of Wisconsin (a President Carter appointee) struck down the…
Congratulations to Grace Counseling, Inc.
Congratulations to Grace Counseling, Inc., on their recent approval for 501(c)(3) tax exempt status! Grace Counseling is located in Littleton, Colorado and offers…
What’s the best type of private foundation, a non-profit or a charitable trust?
What’s the best type of Private Foundation? One established as a Non-Profit Corporation or as a wholly charitable trust? The Non-Profit Corporation…
Changes to the Colorado Charitable Solicitations Act
On November 9, 2012, Colorado Secretary of State Scott Gessler approved changes to the regulations created by his office designed to implement…